It is not uncommon for locals to refer to the neighborhood of Gros as el barrio de moda — roughly translated as the “it” or “cool” neighborhood. I must admit, I have been hearing this refrain for at least five years — so it’s “it” factor must have real longevity.
Directly to the east of the Parte Vieja and Centro and a quick jaunt over the Rio Urumea, the neighborhood is a vital city hub. A dynamic, buzzing residential district dotted with bustling restaurants, bars, and shops.
Walking through Gros, you are amazed by the variety of urban sights and experiences transitioning quickly from Art Nouveau to Art Deco to functional late 20th century housing.

And not only does the architecture change, but there are plenty of pedestrianized shopping streets catering to a wide variety of tastes and needs — fashion and gastronomic.
And, with Playa de la Zurriola – one of the best surfing beaches in the Basque Country bordering Gros to the north, you will also bump into surfing and skating rental, fashion, and accessory stores.
Ultimately, this is a major residential district dominated by locals. As such, you will delight in sauntering through its streets and uncovering hidden gems.
Our Tours
Four tours to choose from – offering you a pure pintxo crawl in Parte Vieja or three tours exploring three unique neighborhoods.
<br>All tours are limited to a maximum of 6 people.